When our daughters were young, they would pick bouquets of dandelions for me. They would grin as I took down a vase to display the beauty of the flowers they proudly presented me. Dandelions provide many hours of joy in children's lives. Remember when we were young, playing the "butter" game? We would ask our friend a question and rub the flower on their cheek or hand depending on their answer, then they would have a yellow stain to display for the day! We would make dandelion crowns while pretending we were princesses. We had fun popping off the heads of the flowers or blowing the seeds into the wind and watching them float through the air and land all around us. As children, we grow up enjoying our life...seeing the beauty around us. We even believe that little yellow dandelions are beautiful flowers that we can use to create a dazzling bouquet for our moms.
When we grow up, we realize how silly we were to think that these ugly weeds were once beautiful. We buy fertilizer to keep them away and would laugh if a friend ordered us a bouquet of dandelions. Why are we so gullible when we are kids? Can you imagine receiving a handful of dandelions on a first date? What if your husband walked up to you with a fistful of dandelions and said, "Here honey, I heard you had a bad day at work today, so I bought you this amazing bouquet of...dandelions".
It seems silly to think these little yellow flowers were once a beautiful bouquet our mother had on the table to display our love for her. I wonder, though, if God sees us as dandelions. Does he wish to use us to display his love to the world?
God creates beautiful and delicate flowers to adorn this world with his love. He takes time to make them fun and brightly colorful. God paints the brilliant color onto these tiny blooms and he even has a plan for the future of the flower. That, after it blooms, the seeds of love will blow in the wind and spread his beauty for all to see.
There is only one problem. We look into the mirror and we forget what God created. We listen to the voice that grows like a weed within our hearts. "Why are you so gullible? Did you really think you were beautiful? How can God use a weed when he has other flowers much more useful..."
We believe this voice, this weed that spreads through our broken hearts. We forget that God created us to bring joy to others, to bring color to his creation, to create a canvas of beauty in this dark world and to spread the seeds of his love to those around. We believe the lies that tell us that God has made a mistake. We think that other flowers are more beautiful or useful than a small, insignificant weed.
When did we begin to see the dandelion, or ourselves, as a weed instead of a beautiful flower? When did we begin to believe the lies instead of the truth? Where were we when someone told us that we were really just a useless weed? What happened in our lives that popped the heads off our dreams?
I am not sure when it began, but I am here to remind you that God still sees you as a beautiful flower. He sees the joy you can bring to others. He wants to bring color to the canvas of your life. He is ready to spread the seeds of his love to those all around you. He wants you to know that you were created to be a beautiful flower.
When you step outside, if you see a dandelion, take a moment to stop and look at it's beauty. Forget what you have been told. See the flower as a child would. See the amazing color, the tiny details, the seeds that can spread on the wind. Then, remember that God created you to be his beautiful dandelion.