It is so funny to me that I look around, see life and the things around me and think I have it all figured out. I have been a sign language interpreter for twenty years, then I was laid off this year. I knew I would be laid off, and I began to seek a part time job even before the end of my job in the school district. I asked a few friends to keep an eye out for me for a part time job that would "fit" me. I almost immediately had a friend tell me that there was a job opening in her salon she works for. It was for a part time receptionist. I love hair and makeup - yes, I'm a girly girl. My idea of roughing it is a Holiday Inn Express. I knew it was a perfect fit for me and was very excited to begin working there even before my career in interpreting ended.
Working at this salon was an amazing experience. I not only learned new things about hair, hair color and how a salon works, I met some women that became a part of my life. They were easy to talk to, fun to laugh with and I enjoyed going to work - for the first time in quite a while! I knew that God had given me this job, that I was "set up" by God, but I really never "saw" what God was doing by bringing me into this place. Do we ever really know what God is up to? Do we just go about our lives and forget that there is another aspect of what we do - not just the things we do, but how God can use it. Our life is not just physical. It is spiritual. God is always working and moving in our lives even when we don't see it!
Right after being laid off from my full time position, my family and I were able to go on a vacation in Florida, thanks to some friends who loaned us their place to stay! Before leaving Michigan for our trip, my husband ran into an acquaintance that he knows from different groups around our town. This man found out that we were heading to Florida and He and his wife just so happened to be going to the same city in Florida on the same week that we were. They owned a home there and invited us for a boat ride when we arrived. Of course, our daughter did not let us forget this "plan"! She had brought along a friend to hang out with while on our vacation and she was very excited about the idea of a boat ride! Did I say that she did not let us forget this idea? She made sure her dad made the call when we arrived in Florida!
When we met up with this couple to take them up on their hospitality and boat ride, I met this man's wife, who owned a Paul Mitchell School. We began to chat about my new career change and that I was looking for something full time. It is fun to see how God works. I live in Michigan. I met this woman while on vacation in Florida. She owns a Paul Mitchell School in Florida AND in the town I live back home in Michigan. She began to talk to me about working for her at her school back in Michigan. I was "set up" by God.
I have been working for her now for about three months. I love this new job. It amazes me that God would set up an event for me - a vacation to Florida in June (not a prime time to go on vacation in Florida!) in order for me to spend time with someone who lives in my own hometown in Michigan! I am amazed that God would orchestrate the events of our life in order for us to see him working - almost so that we can not take the credit for the things "we" do - because it is so random, you know it must have been God!
I had to give up my part time job at the salon I loved in order to work full time at this new job. I was only there for part of the year, but I can look back now and see a few of the things that God was working on. I now understand that there were other reasons that I was working there other than just to learn about hair and how a salon works.
During a bible study on Esther, Beth Moore said, "Just to know we are significant to Him and He's willing to orchestrate a holy set-up to speak to us is monumental to every woman who ever feared she was invisible or unremarkable". God "set up" the events in Esther's life - I would recommend you to read the book of Esther in the bible! It is one of my favorite books of the Bible because you can see how God orchestrates life events in order to accomplish His work! We need to realize that God did not stop doing this in the Old Testament and he does not only do this for Queens. He moves in our lives every day, each year. If we choose to follow his direction, he will "set up" events in our lives in order for him to do his work. Take time this week to be sure you are open to God's plan, offer your life to be used by God, to follow his plan and you will be able to look back and see his work in your everyday steps.
Happy New Year! This can be the year that God "sets up" events in your life in order to work through you. Isn't that exciting?? Now, go read Esther and learn how to be ready to be "set up" by God!