Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hold on!!

Life is going along and your life is going good...then, God says - I think you need a change!

That is where I am again in my life. It seems that I have run into a lot of changes throughout my life. I was getting burned out with my job, so God brought along a new one for me. Now, God is changing that once again.

It's funny that just when I think that I have God all figured out, He decides to change things on me just so that I know that He has a better plan that I do! I would have never added another turn, or detour, as my husband may say, into my life at this time, but maybe God knew that a full time job during prime beach season here in Michigan would not work out well for me. I think I agree with Him on this one!

Dennis and I have run into a lot of twists and turns during our 22 years of marriage. I am so thankful that God brought along a man for me to walk along this journey with. We have had losses and celebrated victories!

Dennis proposed to me as we were riding up to the top of a large hill on a roller coaster (the Magnum - it was new that year) at Cedar Point! It was such an amazing time in my life. I was so excited for this fun filled life of marriage with the man I love!

God sure knows that the roller coaster was the perfect place for us to be engaged. It was a metaphor for what our life has been. Through all the twists and turns, God has been there - even when we didn't think He was. Dennis has always been a wonderful husband and father. I know God put us together so that we could walk this road - or shall I say, ride this coaster - together!

We had two amazing girls. It is pretty fun to watch them grow up into beautiful young women who love God and others. Earlier in our marriage, we lost a baby due to a ruptured tubal pregnancy which resulted in emergency surgery for me. I had lost a lot of blood and the doctors told Dennis that a few more hours and I may have not made it. Ups and Downs.

God allowed us to begin a few new churches, in which we have had to move five times. Our girls ended up to be the "new kids" in a few schools along the way. That was very difficult for us, but I always told my mom that I knew my kids would be safer and better off if we moved them and stayed in God's Will than if we stayed and did not follow the will of God for our lives. We always felt as if it was God who showed us where to move and we always had a peace that it was the right thing to do. This does not mean that my days did not have fears and my nights were not mixed with tears. Sometimes following God is not easy. It comes with a cost. Our cost was having to watch our little girls begin again. Make new friends...again. What is encouraging is that the girls have friends from each place that we have lived. We have met many amazing and wonderful people. God has blessed us with friends in Indiana and all over Michigan! (and now, as our friends move...around the country and world) Ups and Downs.

I am in another turn, yet again. My "new job" of 8 months has ended and I am looking at going back to working with students in the schools. God gave me a break to catch my breath and find my laugh. He helped me find a job for this year so that I would be able to go back to my job in the schools again with a new joy and with new students. And...to have time at my beach this summer! Ups and Downs.

Dennis and I just had our 22nd Anniversary. I can't believe it has been that long. Sometimes it seems like we have just begun this journey...then we look back and see the iron turns and hills and valleys. We have not taken off our seat belts yet because we know that God has a lot more in store for us in the years to come. I am just very happy that I can ride this coaster with a man who loves God and loves me. Dennis is willing to follow the twists and turns as long as God is setting up the path for us. Ups and Downs.

We are still in that coaster, seat belts on...laughing and screaming together. I can't wait to see what the next turn holds for us and I am thankful, Dennis, that we can hold hands through the rest of this ride!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Who do you say I am?

Who do you say I am? That was a question that Jesus asked his disciples. It seems that people all around him were talking about him. Some said he was a Prophet, others said a nice guy...and others said he was a good teacher. What he really wanted to know, was what his followers said about him. What did his best friends think of him? Who was he in their eyes?

This is the question I think most of us women seem to ask. Who do you say I am? We ask the magazines, and they usually tell us that we are too fat, too pale, too short, too tall, too normal...

We ask those around us and usually end up with answers about themselves. People too engrossed in their own failures and flaws that they can't even look at us to answer who they think we are.

We ask our family. Sometimes we are a daughter, sometimes a mother or wife. We feel the pressure of expectations that go with those words. We look at what we feel we should be to fill the titles. We feel the need to be someone we are not. Someone who can do a better job of being a sister or daughter. Someone who can cook for their family better or decorate for Christmas like Martha Stewart would. Pinterest shows us what other daughters do or mothers make and we keep pinning up the ideas we know we will never do but wish we were that person who would. When we ask our family who they think we are, we don't even wait for them to answer us because we already have the answer. We are not enough. We are not what they need. We are just...

We ask the mirror. It reflects back at us what we tend to always see. We see what needs to improve. We see that we don't look as good as the stranger who passed us on the street today. We see that we look older and have wrinkles or freckles that we did not notice before.

Who do you say I am?

We forget. We forget to ask the only One who really matters. Our creator! The one who made us to be who we are. We forget that we are not just another person. Not just a sister. Not just a mom who fails.Not just a co-worker trying to make a way. We forget about who asked this question so many years ago! Jesus asked this question to his disciples. He wanted to know what his friends thought of him - not so he could fill their expectations, but so he could fill THEM!

Jesus is our savior. He is waiting for us to ask him that question. Who do you say I am?
He would answer...you are my beloved. You are beautiful. You are God's creation. You are exactly who you need to be. You are worth dying for.

So, let us try to begin to ask the question to the right person. Ask Jesus today, who do you say I am? Let him tell you who you are. All this time, we may have been asking the right question, but we have wasted our time by asking all the wrong people. Don't be afraid! Ask away...Jesus is waiting to give you his answer, his hope, his future. "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to give you hope and a future..."

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Live and Laugh

I have been thinking about my Grandma lately. There are two things I remember most about my Grandma. My Grandma always prayed for me and she had a loud laugh that was contagious (some may have considered it more of a cackle). As I grow older, my laugh is becoming a tad louder and reminds me of my Grandma's laugh. Many people comment on my laugh. I feel self conscious at times when someone brings it up - my laugh can tend to embarrass my daughters when it can be heard on the other side of the restaurant! Then, I remember my Grandma. She had a smile and a laugh even when things didn't seem like they were going quite right. She enjoyed being around us and others. Whenever my Grandma was around people, you could always hear her laugh from across the room. She loved God and she loved people. Her Joy of life would cause those around her to laugh right along with her.

I want to always remember to laugh. I just read an article about the things that people regret while on their death bed. One of the regrets was, "I wish I had let myself be happier". Many don't think they deserve to be happy or feel as adults, that we should not be silly or laugh too much. 

Why don't we let go of our reservations and make a choice to enjoy those around us! Make time to meet people you haven't seen in a while. Reach out, create new relationships and laugh with them. We can learn different things from each person we meet or take time to have coffee with. I have many wonderful people in my life that bring out a different aspect of my personality. Friends to shop with, friends to drink coffee and chat, friends who challenge me to improve, friends to knit with and friends I work with. One thing I like to do with all of them is to laugh! Laughter brings people together and can even bridge a gap with those from other cultures. It is something we love to hear from a baby. It brings tears to our eyes and a lightness to our hearts.

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead - enjoy life! Drink some coffee. Meet new friends. Share your heart. Give a smile. Thank God for each day you have to share with those around you...and don't forget to laugh!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Set Up by God

It is so funny to me that I look around, see life and the things around me and think I have it all figured out. I have been a sign language interpreter for twenty years, then I was laid off this year. I knew I would be laid off, and I began to seek a part time job even before the end of my job in the school district. I asked a few friends to keep an eye out for me for a part time job that would "fit" me. I almost immediately had a friend tell me that there was a job opening in her salon she works for. It was for a part time receptionist. I love hair and makeup - yes, I'm a girly girl. My idea of roughing it is a Holiday Inn Express. I knew it was a perfect fit for me and was very excited to begin working there even before my career in interpreting ended. 

Working at this salon was an amazing experience. I not only learned new things about hair, hair color and how a salon works, I met some women that became a part of my life. They were easy to talk to, fun to laugh with and I enjoyed going to work - for the first time in quite a while! I knew that God had given me this job, that I was "set up" by God, but I really never "saw" what God was doing by bringing me into this place. Do we ever really know what God is up to? Do we just go about our lives and forget that there is another aspect of what we do - not just the things we do, but how God can use it. Our life is not just physical. It is spiritual. God is always working and moving in our lives even when we don't see it!

Right after being laid off from my full time position, my family and I were able to go on a vacation in Florida, thanks to some friends who loaned us their place to stay! Before leaving Michigan for our trip, my husband ran into an acquaintance that he knows from different groups around our town. This man found out that we were heading to Florida and He and his wife just so happened to be going to the same city in Florida on the same week that we were. They owned a home there and invited us for a boat ride when we arrived. Of course, our daughter did not let us forget this "plan"! She had brought along a friend to hang out with while on our vacation and she was very excited about the idea of a boat ride! Did I say that she did not let us forget this idea? She made sure her dad made the call when we arrived in Florida!

When we met up with this couple to take them up on their hospitality and boat ride, I met this man's wife, who owned a Paul Mitchell School. We began to chat about my new career change and that I was looking for something full time. It is fun to see how God works. I live in Michigan. I met this woman while on vacation in Florida. She owns a Paul Mitchell School in Florida AND in the town I live back home in Michigan. She began to talk to me about working for her at her school back in Michigan. I was "set up" by God.

I have been working for her now for about three months. I love this new job. It amazes me that God would set up an event for me - a vacation to Florida in June (not a prime time to go on vacation in Florida!) in order for me to spend time with someone who lives in my own hometown in Michigan! I am amazed that God would orchestrate the events of our life in order for us to see him working - almost so that we can not take the credit for the things "we" do - because it is so random, you know it must have been God!

I had to give up my part time job at the salon I loved in order to work full time at this new job. I was only there for part of the year, but I can look back now and see a few of the things that God was working on. I now understand that there were other reasons that I was working there other than just to learn about hair and how a salon works. 

During a bible study on Esther, Beth Moore said, "Just to know we are significant to Him and He's willing to orchestrate a holy set-up to speak to us is monumental to every woman who ever feared she was invisible or unremarkable". God "set up" the events in Esther's life - I would recommend you to read the book of Esther in the bible! It is one of my favorite books of the Bible because you can see how God orchestrates life events in order to accomplish His work! We need to realize that God did not stop doing this in the Old Testament and he does not only do this for Queens. He moves in our lives every day, each year. If we choose to follow his direction, he will "set up" events in our lives in order for him to do his work. Take time this week to be sure you are open to God's plan, offer your life to be used by God, to follow his plan and you will be able to look back and see his work in your everyday steps.  

Happy New Year! This can be the year that God "sets up" events in your life in order to work through you. Isn't that exciting?? Now, go read Esther and learn how to be ready to be "set up" by God!