Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Her 15th Birthday

It's her 15th birthday today! How can this be? My little toddler dragging around her two, yes two, blankets wherever she goes to hanging out at the mall with her friends.  Soon she will be driving - she has already been asking to practice in an empty lot, which we have been able to put off till now.  But, we all know she will learn to drive, learn to fly...learn to be who God has created her to be.

That is the one thing I pray she will hold onto as tightly as she held onto those two blankets when she was a toddler.  That God has created her to be something amazing.  It says in Psalm 139:13, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb".  Yes, she was created when she was still inside of me.  God knit her together to be who she is supposed to be.  God created her for a certain purpose.  We see glimpses of it, but I am excited as the years pass to see how it will all be put together for God's purpose.  I see a happy teen, a fun girl who likes to laugh with her friends.  I see someone who is intelligent and witty.  One thing I love about Morgan is that she can talk to anyone - she can sit with a toddler and play with a bear, or sit with an elderly person and ask about their day.  She sat with a Pastor who was visiting from Africa and before we knew it, they were teasing each other about her dislike of plane rides.  She has such an easy spirit about her and she can get along with almost anyone around.

I know that God is already using Morgan's life to touch those around her. God created Morgan with a plan, and that plan  includes a time in her life as a 15 year old teen.  God doesn't wait to use us when we graduate, or when we get a career...or when we finally "reach our dream".  God is so much greater than we can see or understand.  He is using a young teenage girl to be a friend, to cheer up her mom with a hug when she has a bad day, to hang out with her dad on the tennis courts and be a sister to be silly with.  God has used her in school with not only her classmates, but to effect the lives of her teachers and those around her. She is a kind and faithful friend who creates laughter almost anyplace she goes.  God is not waiting for her to grow up in order to show her the "reason" she was created...she was created for now.  For her 15th Birthday - to go have dinner and share a DQ ice cream cake with her family.  

I am so glad God created Morgan.  I am glad that I am able to be a part of this plan for her life.  She will be 16 before we know it and driving her friends to the mall, but for now...Happy 15th Birthday Morgan!  I know God's purpose for your life has already begun and I am excited to see what's next.  Thanks for letting us be a part of it all.

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